How Health Benefits Work

Disability-Based Health First Colorado (Medicaid)

Look at disability-based Health First Colorado if you get SSI or if:

  • You are a U.S. citizen or eligible immigrant
  • You have a disability
  • Have low income, and
  • Have low resources

Is It Right for You?

Health First Colorado (Medicaid) is government-funded health coverage for people in certain situations. You may qualify if you:

Answer the questions on this page to see if you might qualify for disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid). If you do, it’s probably your best health coverage option because:

Note: This page talks about disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid) rules for adults. If you are 18 or under, learn about the rules for Medicaid, the Children's Buy-In, and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) in DB101's Benefits for Young People article.

Do You Get Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

If you get SSI benefits, or qualify for SSI’s 1619(b) rule, which helps people who used to get SSI, you automatically get Health First Colorado (Medicaid) coverage and don’t need to worry about the other rules discussed here. Learn more in DB101’s SSI article.

If you get SSI or qualify for 1619(b), you have Health First Colorado (Medicaid) coverage!

If not, keep reading this page to see if disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid) might be right for you.

If You Don't Get SSI, Do You Have Low Income and Low Resources?

If you don't get SSI, you need to apply for Health First Colorado (Medicaid) separately. If you meet most of SSI's eligibility rules, even though you don't get SSI, you may qualify for disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid) if you:

If you have a disability, have income and resources below the limits, and meet all other program rules, disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid) might be right for you.

Tip: If you have a disability, but you have higher income or resources, you may qualify for the Health First Colorado Buy-In Program For Working Adults With Disabilities (Medicaid Adult Buy-In), which has a much higher income limit and no resource limit! Learn more about the Medicaid Adult Buy-In.

Health First Colorado (Medicaid) Rules for Immigrants:

Reasons you might get disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid), but not SSI

SSI and disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid) have similar eligibility rules, but there are some differences. Here are a few examples of why you might get disability-based Health First Colorado (Medicaid), but not SSI:

  • You don't want to get SSI benefits.
  • You have a trust that helps you qualify for Health First Colorado (Medicaid), but not for SSI.
  • You have more than $100,000 in an ABLE account.

If you have a disability, don't qualify for SSI, and need help from Health First Colorado (Medicaid), the Health First Colorado Buy-In Program For Working Adults With Disabilities (Medicaid Adult Buy-In) is a good option. Learn more about the Medicaid Adult Buy-In.

How to Sign Up

You can apply for the Health First Colorado (Medicaid), the Medicaid Adult Buy-In, and other Colorado programs:

Colorado PEAK lists the details you may need to fill out an application.

Staying on Health First Colorado (Medicaid)

Usually, once approved for Health First Colorado (Medicaid), you continue to qualify as long as your situation doesn’t change. If your income, immigration status, residency, or household size changes, let your county human services department know within 10 days of the change. You can do this in person, by phone, or by email. When you report your changes, the county tells you whether you continue to get Health First Colorado (Medicaid) or if you have new health coverage options, like individual coverage with subsidies or the Medicaid Adult Buy-In.

Learn more