Long-Term Services and Supports Programs
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are Transition Services?

Transition Services help you move out of an institution, such as a nursing home, and into the community. Transition Services are for people who get Health First Colorado (Medicaid) benefits.
Transition services can help you:
- Decide if moving to a community-based setting is possible and the right choice for you
- Coordinate your move out of an institution and into the community
- Improve your quality of life by connecting you with training, services and supports, and
- Get better access to Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).
How do I apply for Transition Services?

To get Transition Services and Transition Coordination, you must have Health First Colorado (Medicaid) coverage and then either:
- Contact your Local Contact Agency for Options Counseling or
- Have somebody else refer you to that local contact agency.
The Options Counseling staff will guide you through the application process and help get you started with your Transition Services and Transition Coordination.
Learn about how to apply for Health First Colorado (Medicaid) in DB101’s How Health Benefits Work article.
How can waivers help me live in the community?

Waiver programs give extra benefits and services to people with disabilities who need them. There are six waiver programs for adults and four for children.
Waivers are meant for people who need a level of care that they would usually get in an institution, such as a nursing home. Each waiver has its own set of extra services, which are called Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS). Waivers, plus the benefits and services they give you, can help you live safely in the community instead of an institution.
What are Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)?

Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) are extra benefits and services for people in waiver programs. Colorado offers around 50 different types of these benefits and services, ranging from home modifications to personal attendant care to peer counseling to non-medical transportation. Some waivers offer a handful of benefits and services, while other waiver programs provide more than two dozen services.
See a complete list of the different benefits and services waivers offer. Note: Each waiver program has its own set of LTSS, and none of the waiver programs offer every benefit and service.
Who can help me move from a nursing home to my own place?

There are several organizations in Colorado that can help you move from a nursing home to your own place:
- Social workers from Health First Colorado (Medicaid) can help you sign up for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers and transition into the community.
- Centers for Independent Living (CILs) provide independent living assistance, housing assistance, and transition services to help you move into the community and stay independent once you are in your own home. Find a local Center for Independent Living.
- The Arc of Colorado supports people with developmental disabilities as they live in the community. Local Arc chapters provide services, supports and activities for independent living. They can give you direct advice and connect you to peer support groups so you can learn from other community members.
- Brothers Redevelopment is a nonprofit that provides affordable, safe, and accessible housing solutions for Colorado’s low-income, elderly, and disabled residents. Brothers operates housing communities that you can apply to live in. They can help you modify your own home or apartment so it is more accessible and in good condition.
Are there services that can help people who are experiencing homelessness find a home?

Yes, there are services that can help people who are experiencing homelessness find a place. The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless connects people who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness with housing, healthcare, and the kinds of services often found at Centers for Independent Living (CILs). They also operate several apartment buildings and have relationships with landlords, which makes it easier for you to find housing.
Will I lose my Health First Colorado (Medicaid) benefits if I work and make more money?

The Health First Colorado Buy-In Program For Working Adults With Disabilities (Medicaid Adult Buy-In) lets you keep your Health First Colorado (Medicaid) benefits while working. The income limit for the Medicaid Adult Buy-In is much higher, there’s no resource limit, and you can get the same coverage as regular Health First Colorado (Medicaid). (Sometimes, the Medicaid Adult Buy-In is called WAwD for short.)
To qualify for the Medicaid Adult Buy-In, you must:
- Be 16 years old or older
- Live in Colorado
- Be a U.S. citizen or a qualified immigrant
- Be working
Have a disability that meets Social Security’s medical standards.
- Note: For the Medicaid Adult Buy-In, SSA’s disability rules related to income do not apply.
- Note: If you aren’t sure if your disability qualifies, you can apply and the state will check.
Have countable income at or below $5,648 per month for individuals.
- The Medicaid Adult Buy-In counts your money the same way as SSI does: almost all of your unearned income is counted, but less than half of your earned income is counted. That means, you could earn as much as $11,380 per month ($136,560 per year!) and still qualify.
- Only your income is counted, not the income of other household members.
If you have Medicaid Adult Buy-In coverage, you may have to pay a monthly premium of up to $200 each month (the higher your income, the higher your premium).
Learn more about the Medicaid Adult Buy-In in DB101’s How Health Benefits Work article.
Are there other long-term services and supports options for veterans?

Veterans in Colorado may get long-term services and supports from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) through either the VA Western Colorado Health Care System or the VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System, depending on where they live. The VA offers services such as transportation assistance, medical services, housing services for veterans experiencing homelessness, and more. For more information, call the VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System at 1-303-399-8020 or the VA Western Colorado Healthcare System at 1-970-242-0731.
Colorado Workforce Centers give extra priority to veterans, including veterans with disabilities. Many Workforce Centers have veteran employment specialists who provide one-on-one assistance to eligible veterans. More information is available on the Department of Labor and Employment’s Veteran Priority website.
Where can I get help finding a job?

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) helps people with disabilities train for, find, and get work. Their services include:
- Vocational counseling and training
- Job search, application, and interviewing skills
- On-the-job coaching
- Keeping a job
- Job accommodations
- Medical or psychological testing
- Assistive technology evaluations
- Equipment or therapies to improve physical or cognitive functioning
- Individual, group, or other types of mental health counseling
- Home and vehicle modifications for employment-related purposes, and
- Financial needs assessments.
Most of these services are free or the cost is based on how much you can afford. Anybody who has a disability that is a substantial barrier to employment may qualify for DVR services.
Colorado Workforce Centers give counseling, guidance and resources for finding a job. Workforce Centers provide free services including:
- Job listings
- Computer and internet access
- Career counseling and training for jobseekers
They can also help you use Connecting Colorado to search for jobs through a job database, post your resume, and apply for specific jobs.
Workforce Centers have staff that can help you, or you can explore services on your own. Find a Workforce Center near you.
Some Health First Colorado (Medicaid) waiver programs give supported employment services that can help you find and keep a job and build your career. Learn more about Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver programs.
Learn more
HCBS Waiver Programs
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs help people with disabilities live in the community.
How Health Benefits Work
Learn about the different ways you may be able to get health coverage.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI helps people with disabilities and seniors who have low income and resources.
Get Expert Help
Key Resources
- For work preparation, contact your Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) office
- For questions about how work affects benefits, contact a certified benefits counselor
How Work Affects SSI and SSDI
Call Ability Connection Colorado (ACCO)
1-303-691-9339 - Contact a certified benefits counselor
Call the Ticket to Work Help Line
Health First Colorado (Medicaid)
- Contact your county human services department
Call Health First Colorado (Medicaid)
1-800-221-3943 -
Call a Medicaid Adult Buy-In expert
Call Medicare
1-800-633-4227 -
Call the Colorado State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
Work Preparation
- Contact your Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) office
- Contact your local Workforce Center
Call the Colorado Office of Employment First
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