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Why an ABLE Account?
There are two basic reasons for opening an ABLE account:
- To save money without worrying about the resource limits for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and other benefits; and
- To take advantage of tax benefits.
We'll look at how ABLE accounts affect the resource limits for SSI and other programs, the tax benefits of an ABLE account, and how an ABLE account and a Special Needs Trust can both be part of your financial plan.
Resource Limits
To get benefits from SSI, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and some other programs, you must have limited resources (cash savings, retirement funds, etc.).
Some people avoid building assets and saving up money, because they are afraid they’ll lose their benefits. Now, people with disabilities and their families can save money in an ABLE savings account without affecting SSI and other benefits, including:
- Medicare Savings Programs
- The Medicare Part D Extra Help/Low Income Subsidy (LIS), and
The goal of an ABLE account is to give people with disabilities more independence and financial security.
If you have a job, you can save money in your ABLE account without any changes in your benefits. An ABLE account also lets family and friends give you money without affecting your benefits. And any interest or other growth in the account is tax-free, as long as you spend the money from your ABLE account on disability-related expenses.
Generally, if you get SSI benefits, the help you get to pay for shelter (housing) may cause you to get lower monthly benefits. For example, if you are single, the most you can usually get in SSI benefits is $967 per month, but if your parents are helping you with your rent, your maximum SSI benefits might go down to $644.67. However, if your parents put money into your ABLE account, you can use the money from your ABLE account for your shelter expenses and your SSI benefits won’t be affected. That could make a big difference in your monthly benefits!
Note: If you want to use money from your ABLE account for housing-related expenses, make sure you take out and spend the money in the same month. Learn more about ABLE account spending rules.
Tax Benefits
ABLE accounts can have three tax benefits:
- The growth of your investments isn’t taxed,
- If you work and save earned income in your ABLE account, you may qualify for the federal Saver's Credit.
- If you have your ABLE account with Colorado ABLE, you may get a state tax deduction for any contributions you make to your account in the tax years 2023, 2024 or 2025.
1. Untaxed Growth of Investments
ABLE programs typically offer multiple investment options, letting you choose from various mutual fund plans (which offer greater rewards but can go up or down, depending on the market), or savings accounts (which pay low interest, but are guaranteed by the federal government). You pay no income taxes on any growth in the value of your investments or any interest earned on your savings — so your wealth may grow faster.
However, any money taken out of an ABLE account must be spent on qualified disability-related expenses. If you take money out of your ABLE account and don’t spend it on qualified disability-related expenses, you may have to pay income tax plus a 10% penalty.
2. Saver's Credit
If you work and save some of your earned income in an ABLE account, when you file your federal taxes you may get the Saver’s Credit (also called the Retirement Savings Contributions Credit). The Saver's Credit cuts the amount you pay in taxes.
Deposits to any ABLE account will only qualify you for the Saver's Credit if you:
- Owe taxes
- Put money from your earned income into the ABLE account (money from other sources, like family or friends, doesn’t count), and
- Are not also making contributions to a retirement plan. (Though you may separately qualify for the Saver’s Credit based on your retirement contributions.)
There are other requirements to get this credit. Learn more about the federal Saver’s Credit.
3. State Tax Deduction
If you have your ABLE account with the Colorado ABLE program, you may get a state tax deduction for any contributions you make into your account in the tax years 2023, 2024, or 2025. For details, contact a tax expert or the Colorado Department of Revenue Taxpayer Helpline at 1-303-238-7378.
ABLE accounts and Special Needs Trusts
A trust is a legal arrangement in which a person or organization manages assets for you (the beneficiary), with the trust's assets used to pay for your expenses. A Special Needs Trust holds assets for a person with a disability. If you have a Special Needs Trust, you may want to also open an ABLE account.
An ABLE account:
- Is easier (and cheaper) to open and manage than a trust, but your disability must have begun before you turned 26
- Provides tax benefits (as long as any money withdrawn is spent on qualified disability-related expenses)
- Gives you more control and more choices.
- Doesn't make you have a trustee manage the account, as you have to do with a Special Needs Trust. Instead, you can manage your own account or ask someone to help oversee and manage your ABLE account.
- Lets you use the money for housing expenses without making your SSI benefits go down
- May let you use a debit card to pay for qualified disability-related expenses (Colorado ABLE does this), instead of having to ask each time you want to take money out of the account.
- Has limits on how much money can be deposited in the account each calendar year.
If you get SSI benefits, your SSI stops any time you have more than $100,000 in your ABLE account. Plus, each state stops letting you deposit money into your ABLE account after it reaches a certain level ($200,000 – $500,000 or more, depending on the state), until your account balance drops back down. For Colorado ABLE, the contribution limit is $500,000.
A Special Needs Trust:
- Has no limits on contributions
- Does not require that your disability began before you turned 26
- May offer tax benefits
Learn more about Special Needs Trusts.
The bottom line: Because there are limits on how much you can put into your ABLE account each year, you cannot replace a trust with an ABLE account. Instead, they can both be part of your overall financial plan.
Learn more
Building Your Assets and Wealth
Discover ways to save up money while working.
Finding the Right Job for You
Get some tips and resources that make it easier to find a job or career.
How Health Benefits Work
Learn about the different ways you may be able to get health coverage.
Get Expert Help
Key Resources
- For work preparation, contact your Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) office
- For questions about how work affects benefits, contact a certified benefits counselor
How Work Affects SSI and SSDI
Call Ability Connection Colorado (ACCO)
1-303-691-9339 - Contact a certified benefits counselor
Call the Ticket to Work Help Line
Health First Colorado (Medicaid)
- Contact your county human services department
Call Health First Colorado (Medicaid)
1-800-221-3943 -
Call a Medicaid Adult Buy-In expert
Call Medicare
1-800-633-4227 -
Call the Colorado State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
Work Preparation
- Contact your Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) office
- Contact your local Workforce Center
Call the Colorado Office of Employment First
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