Finding the Right Job for You

Next Steps

Learn More has information on careers, education, and training; practical tips on resumes and interviews; job search guidance; and local employment assistance.

The Colorado Office of Employment First focuses on employment for people with disabilities. You can find training resources, attend events, sign up for newsletters, and connect with subject matter experts who will guide you through your job search.

The Job Accommodation Network’s Finding a Job that is Right for You: A Practical Approach to Looking for a Job as a Person with a Disability is a guide that can help with each step of your job search process. is a comprehensive online site offering “Careers & Community for Talented People with Disabilities.”

My Skills, My Future helps job seekers match their skills with new careers and find out what training is needed to move from one job to another.

My Colorado Journey is a free state resource that maps out the outcomes, goals, and steps needed to reach your career and education milestones. It connects job seekers and students to careers, education planning, and support resources.

Get Help

Colorado Workforce Centers provide a variety of free services that can help you with your job search or career planning. Find a Workforce Center near you.

Competitive Integrated Employment helps individuals with disabilities prepare for, start, and keep employment. Contact a Vocational Rehabilitation office in your area to sign up for an orientation to learn about the eligibility requirements and available services.

If you have significant vision or hearing loss, the Blind and Low Vision Services (BLVS) program can help you prepare for, find, and keep a job, and live as independently as possible. For more information and to apply, contact your local Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation office.

Ticket to Work

Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program helps people with disabilities who get Social Security benefits re-enter the workforce and become more independent. The Ticket to Work Program offers free access to employment-related services, such as training, transportation, and vocational rehabilitation. You can call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY).

Get Help with Your Benefits

A trained Benefits Planner can help you understand your benefits programs. Exactly who you need to contact depends on your situation and the benefits you get.

View DB101's full list of experts who can help you understand different benefits.

Learn more